
This page lists some publications related to Monte Carlo simulations of neutron scattering instruments. This list should not be regarded as being complete (and not even representative). Please, send any additions to


Risø and DTU Physics publications on McStas

Virtual experiments using McStas

Simulations of instruments at ESS using McStas

Simulations of instruments at ILL using McStas

Simulations of instruments at FRM-II using McStas

Simulations of instruments at PSI/SINQ using McStas

Simulations of instruments at SNS using McStas

Simulations of instruments at ORNL using McStas

Simulations of instruments at ANSTO using McStas

Simulations at the Joint project of JAERI and KEK using McStas

Other simulation packages

General publications on simulations of neutron scattering instruments

Simulations using RESTRAX

Simulations using VITESS

Simulations using MCLIB/NISP

Simulations using MCNP

Simulations using MSCAT, etc.

NeXus data format