[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

The ILL_H5_new Instrument

The full H5 new cold guide at the ILL, with ThALES, D16, Super-Adam, IN15 (sample only), D22WASP and CryoEDM This is a proposed geometry for major H5 guide hall upgrade (since 2013). The exact adopted H5 geometry may be actually different.



This model decribes the full new H5 cold guide at the ILL, with ThALES, WASP, D16,
Super-Adam, IN15, D22.

H511:The IN15 Spin-echo spectrometer
is simulated with an incoming polarized beam, but not with a full spin-echo
description. Sample is Vanadium
H512:The D22 Large dynamic range small-angle diffractometer
is fully simulated
H521:The D16 Small momentum transfer diffractometer D16 is realistic
H521:The SuperADAM reflectometer is used in low angle diffraction mode.
H522: The WASP Spin-echo spectrometer
is simulated with an incoming polarized beam, but not with a full spin-echo
description. Sample is Vanadium
H523:The CryoEDM with its polarized beam
H53: The ThALES Cold neutron three-axis spectrometer IN14

For each instrument, a sample can be specified (liquid/powder/amorphous),
with monitoring of the scattering in angular (diffraction) and energy modes
(for spectroscopy).

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
lambdacentral wavelength band for guide illumination [Angs]5
dlambdahalf width of guide wavelength band [Angs]4.5
ThALES_lambdaThALES monochromator setting wavelength. Usual 2.4 and 4.2 [Angs]4.2
WASP_lambdaIN16 monochromator setting wavelength. Usual 3.3 and 6.3 [Angs]6.3
D16_lambdaD16 monochromator setting wavelength. Usual 4.7 and 5.6 [Angs]5.6
SADAM_lambdaSuperADAM monochromator setting wavelength. Usual 4.4 [Angs]4.4
IN15_lambdaIN15 velocity selector setting wavelength [Angs]6.5
D22_lambdaD22 velocity selector setting wavelength [Angs]4.5
D22_collimationD22 collimation length and sample-detector distance [m]2
ThALES_sampleThALES liquid/powder/amorphous sample [string]"Rb_liq_coh.sqw"
D16_sampleD16 liquid/powder/amorphous sample [string]"H2O_liq.qSq"
SADAM_sampleSuperADAM liquid/powder/amorphous sample [string]"SiO2_quartza.laz"
D22_sampleD22 liquid/powder/amorphous sample [string]"H2O_liq.qSq"


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2024-01-03 11:47:43