[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

The RTP_SANS Instrument

The SANS instrument installed at Reactor TRIGA PUSPATI (Malaysia)



This is a 4m long SANS installed on a radial beam port 4 at the Reactor TRIGA
PUSPATI (RTP). Te beam port 4 is a radial tube that originates from the core,
through the graphite reflector. A thick Be filter selects the cold tail of the
thermal spectrum, and removes higher order PG reflections.
A PG(002) monochromator selects the 5A neutrons that are sent into a 4m - 4m
SANS with a 60 cm PSD detector 128x128 pixels.
The monochromator is here used in fixed double focusing geometry.
The accessible Q range is then 0.01-0.1 Angs-1.

This model contains a detailed description of the Be filter, monochromator
and SANS set-up. The Be filter is in the monochromator block.

Example: mcrun RTP_SANS.instr lambda=5

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
lambdaAngsmonochromator selected wavelength5
DMAngsd-spacing for the monochromator reflection3.355
dlambdaAngsmonochromator wavelength spread.2
Mono_tiltdegangle tilt between the 3 monochromator layers-1
mono_rotationdegadditional monochromator offset rotation for e.g rocking curves0


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2024-01-03 11:47:43