McStas logo McStas - A neutron ray-trace simulation package ILL; PSI; ESS Niels Bohr Institute DTU Physics NEXMAP


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Reproducing TDR and "Pancake" ESS brilliances using McStas

Reproducing TDR and "Pancake" ESS brilliances using McStas

The PDF document is meant to give further clarity on the available ESS source parameterisations for use with McStas. We shall only consider the TDR and pancake type brilliances, as these are ESS baseline quantities or considered important milestones. The "optimised thermal" moderator configuration is currently not implemented in McStas, but will become available with McStas 2.2 planned for release during the spring of 2015.

A new component called ESS_moderator.comp was distributed with McStas 2.1 and also exists for use with 2.0 and 1.12c through the archive

Last modified: Tue Feb 10 11:14:14 CET 2015

Last Modified: Wednesday, 12-Jan-2022 14:57:17 CET
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